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Sampsonia Way
Writing Away the Stigma: With True Stories Well Told
The University Club at the University of Pittsburgh 
11:59 PM (no end time specified)  
Creative Nonfiction and the Staunton Farm Foundation 
Description and Reader Names: A free, five-week creative writing workshop for residents of southwestern Pennsylvania who have been affected by mental illness.

Each year, 1 in 4 American adults will endure the trials of a mental health condition. But while many Americans have experienced a mental illness--either firsthand or through a family member or friend--the stigma of mental illness remains. In an effort to help correct this situation, the Creative Nonfiction and Staunton Farm Foundations have partnered to offer residents of Southwestern Pennsylvania a unique opportunity to tell their stories.

Writing Away the Stigma: With True Stories Well Told will provide support for 12 individuals to study, free of charge, with the founder and editor of Creative Nonfiction magazine, Lee Gutkind, recognized by Vanity Fair as 'the Godfather behind creative nonfiction.' Selected writing fellows will attend five weekly workshops led by Lee, which will cover the entire writing process from idea to final product.

All 12 participants will conceive their stories, learn the creative nonfiction craft, and write first and follow-up drafts. The final session will focus on how to get published.

Applications are due by 11:59 pm EST, September 15th.
Session dates: Mondays, 6-9:30 pm, October 21 through November 18.

There is no charge to the participants, and dinner will be provided.
More Event Information
Chad Vogler 
(412) 688-0304 
More Venue Information
123 University Place 
(412) 648-8213 
Author Information
Chad Vogler 
Short bio: