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Meet the Press!
East End Book Exchange 
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM  
Description and Reader Names: Ever wonder what the folks who report on the Pittsburgh literary scene do in their free time? Why they write poems and stories of their own of course. Please join Rege Behe (Tribune Review), Fred Shaw (City Paper), and Kristofer Collins (Pittsburgh Magazine) as they read from their own creative endeavors. Then stick around for a brief discussion and Q&A regarding our thoughts on the local lit scene and our many adventures in the trade.

Rege Behe is a freelance writer and journalist. Writing primarily for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, he has interviewed numerous writers, poets, and musicians, including Michael Chabon, Richard Ford, Tobias Wolff, Jane Smiley, Joyce Carol Oates, PD James, Robert Pinsky, Naomi Shihab Nye, Jon Bon Jovi, Sade, Ray Davies, Bruce Hornsby and Chrissie Hynde.
A native of Trafford, PA -- the birthplace of the noted memoirist Lori Jakiela and Sonny Vaccaro, the famed sports marketer -- he attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania and earned bachelor's degree in English, with concentrations in philosophy and political science.
He is currently shopping his first novel, Low Flying Rockets, a story about a hard luck gambler seeking redemption.

Fred Shaw is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, and Carlow University, where he received his MFA. He teaches writing and literature at Point Park University and Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA. He is the author of the chapbook, Argot (Finishing Line Press). His poems have been published in 5AM, Poet Lore, Permafrost, SLAB, Spry Literary Magazine, Floodwall, Nerve Cowboy, Mason’s Road, Shaking Like A Mountain, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and Pittsburgh City Paper, where he currently reviews books. In a parallel life, he has also worked in the service industry for the past twenty-five years. He lives in Pittsburgh with his wife and rescued hound dog.

Kristofer Collins is the Books Editor at Pittsburgh Magazine. He is also the manager of Caliban Book Shop and the owner of Desolation Row Records. In his spare time he is the publisher of Low Ghost Press and Coleridge Street Books. His most recent collection of poetry is Local Conditions (CSB 2015). He lives in Stanton Heights with his wife Dr. Anna Johnson and their cats.
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Kristofer Collins 
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4754 Liberty Avenue 
Tue - Sat: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm Sun: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm  
Lesley Rains 
(412) 224-2847 
Author Information
Kristofer Collins 
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