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Sampsonia Way
Vanessa German: root
Kelly Strayhorn Theater 
8:00 PM - 9:30 PM  
Kelly Strayhorn Theater 
Description and Reader Names: Vanessa German delves into the sound and rhythm of words in this restaging of her one-woman show that explores the role of poet and audience in relation to the ritual of theater.

In “root”, German transports the audience from nineteen eighties Los Angles, back to Martin Luther King’s Memphis, storming forward toward Louisiana, and lastly into modern day Juarez. The sound elements of “root” are inspired by the music of Ella Fitzgerald and the incantation of words. Driven by the musicality and rhythm of these words, the story of “root” uses the Mississippi River and jazz as guides. Moving images provide an inspired backdrop for this unique performance.

German invites audience participation and interaction during the PRE-SHOW mixers one hour prior to her performance. Receive a blessing and/or collaborate with German to write an original poem in the theater lobby during the mixers. These interactions encourage what German views as the “root”, i.e. the intersection of artist, community, and theater.

General $15 Advance | $20 Door
15206 Zip Code | $10
Student & Artist | $5
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5941 Penn Avenue 
Victoria Suvillaga 
(412) 391-2535 ext. 203 
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Kristin Helfrich 
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